Miss the old browser


24 Apr 2011
With constant FC's most of the time, I miss the old browser. Can someone upload the apk for that please? Thanks.

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It works fine for me. I've uninstalled the new browser and then I used SystemApp Remover to restore the old browser (the one from zip file) and didn't have any issues using it.

Sent from my HTC HD2 using the miuiandroid.com forum app
Thanks a lot. Works great. I freeze the latest browser with SystemApp manager, copy browser2 apk in system/apps, changed permissions and owner, rebooted, and Viola...

Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app
I have tried the above to get the old browser back but, the browser just FC.

Can someone suggest a fix?
FC happened to me while clicking the link. Then I downloaded on my PC and copied the apk on SD card. Try that, it will work.

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@ wiineedmore
It doesn't install.
I used root explorer to copy in system /apps, and change permissions and reboot.

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I got it to work. How? I guess a bunch of reboots and renames. But, its working I am a happy camper again thanks

I did use a different file I found online not from 7.22
It is very simple:
First copy browser.apk to sdcard
Then open terminal emulator type the following commands:
Cp /sdcard/Browser.apk /system/app/Browser.apk
Chmod 644 /system/app/Browser.apk
That should work flawlessly

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YAY!! I have the old browser back.. OMG i forgot how much I missed and loved this thing. LOL Had a hard time downloading your file, said "exceeded number of downloads" lol
It is very simple:
First copy browser.apk to sdcard
Then open terminal emulator type the following commands:
Cp /sdcard/Browser.apk /system/app/Browser.apk
Chmod 644 /system/app/Browser.apk
That should work flawlessly

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It says to me "sysrw" not found???
What to do? Thanks

sent from eS-OFFed Desire ;)
Can someone confirm that if the old browser still works with 1.8.26.
Because mine doesn't, gives FC.
Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app
Can someone confirm that if the old browser still works with 1.8.26.
Because mine doesn't, gives FC.
Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app

Yes, but...................

rename current browser in the /system/app to browser.apk.old or just remove it.

the browser you are using should be called Browser2.apk

put the browser2.apk in the /system/app file, set permissions to rw-r--r--

do not install the browser, just reboot after you put it in the /system/app and set permissions

This is very easy to do using root explorer or adb
Yes, but...................

rename current browser in the /system/app to browser.apk.old or just remove it.

the browser you are using should be called Browser2.apk

put the browser2.apk in the /system/app file, set permissions to rw-r--r--

do not install the browser, just reboot after you put it in the /system/app and set permissions

This is very easy to do using root explorer or adb

I tried this 3 or 4 times but bbrowser keep force closing. I just to use old browser on 8.19, but now isn't working
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I tried all the above methods and am still getting fc.
I hope I don't offend but the current browser sucks...bad. Since this is my first MIUI ROM and don't know what the "old" browser is, I can only hope it's default Google. I have installed about 8 ROMS in the last two weeks trying to find the one I want to stick with and MIUI has me very excited... If I can get default Google Browser then my search is over.

btw, I did place files in system/app
renamed old
Set permissions
rebooted many many times

Either another file is needed or a different method. For my EVO anyway.
Yes, mrloopie is right. I also tried many times. I get the browser icon but when I open it, it FC.
I think with 1.8.26 rom, maybe there is any other file needed.
Mark, can you please find a way to do this, because the new browser just sucks.

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Ya I've been trying for over an hour to get the old browser to work on 1.8.26. No luck. I'm going to restore my nandroid, because I can't deal with the new browser. This thread has over 1000 views hopefully devs pick up on that. lol
Yes, you are right, over 1k views! But maybe we are the only few who are fed up with browser problem. Could be working for the rest.

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