MIUI 1.3.11 Nexus One and HTC Desire Language Packs out


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Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
Language packs for Nexus One and Desire GSM are out now! Porters and Milestone / DHD users can use parts of this for their packs as well :)

Nexus one <a href="http://www.miui-dev.com/forums/showthread.php?3928-MIUI-1.3.11-Nexus-One-English-Pack-1-(Froyo-2.2)">here</a>

Desire GSM <a href="http://www.miui-dev.com/forums/showthread.php?3929-MIUI-1.3.11-HTC-Desire-English-Pack-1-(Froyo-2.2)">here</a>

These packs are based on 2.2 - From next week we should see 2.2 phasing out. From 2 weeks from today we will drop all 2.2 support to Legacy on the forums. 2.3 will become the new standard ROM format for all devices over time.

Ports to other devices are coming along - some issues to iron out but things are looking promising.

