MIUI ports now available!


Site Founder
Staff member
6 Nov 2010
Hello there,

We once again have ports of the latest release (1.5.13) available for the EVO 4G, Motorola Droid and the Droid Incredible available on the forums, <a href="http://www.miuiandroid.com/roms/">ROMs page</a> and the MIUI ROM downloader courtesy of <a href="http://www.nexus-lab.com/" target="_blank">Mish</a>.

Kudos go to the following individual developers:

EVO 4G: <a href="http://forums.miuiandroid.com/member.php?25-lithid">lithid</a>

Motorola Droid: <a href="http://forums.miuiandroid.com/member.php?1815-TreyM">TreyM</a>

Droid Incredible: <a href="http://forums.miuiandroid.com/member.php?1415-barnacles10">barnacles10</a>

They're the guys who made it all work so give 'em some thanks!