In Progress - External SD card

Green Trancer

3 Apr 2012
Hello. I just installed this rom on my phone and I can't see the external sd card, only the internal one ... Can anyone help me ? Thank you.
Did you wipe /cache and /dalvik on first flash?

What happens when you open the File Explorer app?
Well, I didn't wipe /dalvik, just /cache ... I can see _ExternalSD on File Explorer - SD card with all the files, but when I'm going in Settings - System - SD card settings I can see only my internal one of 5.50 GB ...
So is the only error then that the Settings mis-represents the size?

Are you allowed to download to it? Move apps to it?

Try holding Home -> App Manager -> Select a random app -> Move it to SD Card.
The error is that I don't see the external SD card of 16 GB in the Settings, just the internal one of 5.5 GB ( it's split in 2 - the other part of 2.5 GB is for the rom or something else ). I can access it ( external SD ) through File Explorer, but I can't move any app on it from App Manager. For example, if I want to format it, I think that I need to do that from the computer, because I can't see it in the Settings ...