
23 Oct 2020
Some cool AOD and Bootanimations mtz files to have fun..

Choose your desired bootanimation depending on screen size of your device..

AOD DOWNLOAD ( global )
For Global users follow below link..

AOD DOWNLOAD ( greek users )
For Greek users follow below link..

Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-06-24-417_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-06-31-240_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-06-37-506_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-06-42-838_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-06-49-818_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-06-55-219_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-07-00-984_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-07-06-917_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-07-11-903_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-07-21-139_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-13-09-27-24-675_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-13-09-27-33-493_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-13-09-27-42-310_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-13-09-27-52-913_com.android.thememanager.jpg

Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-13-42-631_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-17-18-810_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-17-38-520_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-17-48-269_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-17-57-530_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-18-16-842_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-18-07-232_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-12-10-59-42-937_com.miui.aod.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-13-09-28-42-553_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-13-09-28-54-656_com.android.thememanager.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-13-09-29-22-692_com.android.thememanager.jpg

Download MTZ file of your choise , open themes application/my account/..choose themes and import mtz file..
Go to theme components , choose AOD or Bootanimation and apply mtz file of your choise..

You'll find plenty of choises..
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Please how to install mtz files? Thanks

Gesendet von meinem M2012K11AC mit Tapatalk
Please how to install mtz files? Thanks
To import .mtz file:

- In the Xiaomi Themes* app: Go on "My account" (bottom-right button) > Tap on "Themes" tile > Tap on "Import" button (scroll down to see it)

To apply your imported bootanimation:

- In the Xiaomi Themes* app: Go on "My account" (bottom-right button) > Tap on "Customise theme" then on "Bootanimation" tile to find & apply it

*These steps are for the "chinese" theme app (included in Xiaomi.eu ROMs). :)

I don't know if you can import .mtz files in the "global" theme app.

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Great, it works. I installed xiaomi.eu weekly on poco f3. Your instructions work perfectly. Thanks very much. Sorry for the newbie questions, this is my first xiaomi phone.
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.mtz fájl importálása:

- A Xiaomi Themes* alkalmazásban: Lépjen a „Saját fiók” elemre (jobb alsó gomb) > Koppintson a „Témák” csempére > Koppintson az „Importálás” gombra (görgessen le a megtekintéséhez)

Az importált bootanimáció alkalmazása:

- A Xiaomi Themes* alkalmazásban: lépjen a „Saját fiók” elemre (jobb alsó gomb) > érintse meg a „Téma testreszabása”, majd a „Bootanimation” csempét a megkereséséhez és alkalmazásához.

*Ezek a lépések a „kínai” témaalkalmazásra vonatkoznak (a Xiaomi.eu ROM-ok tartalmazzák).:)

Nem tudom, hogy importálhat-e .mtz fájlokat a "globális" témaalkalmazásban.

SUnfortunately, the global version does not support the export option! Where can I find the AOD folder to manually embed the files? thanks.
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Reactions: kohut.lukas.33
SUnfortunately, the global version does not support the export option! Where can I find the AOD folder to manually embed the files? thanks.
Though i can't understand which exactly is your problem i have to told you that if you're with official global rom then you have to download your desired mtz file from first post and then use Google search ( how to import mtz file with global rom ) and you'll find a lot of answers and videos ..
With EU rom you can easily import mtz file by following the procedure written at first post ..
Bár nem értem, hogy pontosan mi a problémád, el kell mondanom, hogy ha hivatalos globális rom-ot használsz, akkor le kell töltened a kívánt mtz fájlt az első bejegyzésből, majd használd a Google keresőt (hogyan importálhatsz mtz fájlt global rom ), és sok választ és videót találsz..
Az EU rom segítségével könnyedén importálhat mtz fájlt az első bejegyzésben leírt eljárást követve.
NNo such post found on Google! Thanks.