No power on, no charging, only blinking led


2 May 2020
Hello, i'm desperate.
During flashing fastboot rom by latest MIFLASH the electricity has gone away
Now the cellphone is dead. No power on, no fastboot, no recovery, not recognized by computer. nothing! only black screen.
After one night try power on and the notification led start to blink (i think battery drain)
i'm very very desperate.
Pls help me
I had a similar problem on my Mi Mix 2 with a blinking white led after the battery has totally discharged.

Here's how I fixed it:
1. Try plugging into different chargers:
Fast charger
Slow charger
Computer USB
2. Charge for a few hours to 1/2 day until screen flashes and/or you see the boot screen looping
3. Leave charging over night or 1/2 day (this will slowly charge up the battery)
4. If the phone still does not fully boot then:
a. Put phone in oven (remove any accessories including case) on LOW, e.g. 250F, 120C for about 2 mins
b. Turn OFF oven, then wait 15 mins for phone to cool down
c. Plug in phone and power ON

NOTE: phone showed 60% charge when it finally powered ON, after the oven trick, so it is unclear whether the final problem was battery related or something else?

Good luck!