- 23 Sep 2012
- 671
- 82
If you want to use the JLB 4.2 Photospere camera on Mi2 here is How to for that
S. Shot1 S. Shot2
NOTE. you will have two Cameras and Galleries in app drawer. one MIUI camera and Gallery and other *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* and Gallery. You can delete Camera.apk and Camera.odex from /system/app folder if you dont like two camera and galleries this will delete MIUI camera and gallery
- RootExplorer
- Download the zipfile from http://www.sendspace.com/file/itn69v
- Copy photosphere.zip to sdcard and extract it.
- Using Rootexplorer copy GalleryGoogle.apk and Gmscore.apk from app folder in extracted files to /system/app folder (mount that folder as r/w first) of the system partition
- Change the permission for both files as shown in Screen shot 1
- Then copy libjni_filtershow_filters.so, libjni_mosaic.so and liblightcycle.so from lib folder of extracted files to the /system/lib folder of system partition.
- Change the permission for copied files as shown in Screen shot 2
- Reboot
S. Shot1 S. Shot2
NOTE. you will have two Cameras and Galleries in app drawer. one MIUI camera and Gallery and other *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* and Gallery. You can delete Camera.apk and Camera.odex from /system/app folder if you dont like two camera and galleries this will delete MIUI camera and gallery