Problem with storage after updating to


28 Jan 2023
Hello everyone, I hate that I must post an issue like this, but today, the built in updater on my Mi 11 Ultra 512GB notified me that an update to is available, so I downloaded it, and restarted the phone. I did this multiple times previously, so I went in with confidence. This time however, I messed up somehow. The menu was in chinese as always, so I attempted to switch it to english as I always do. I dont know what i did, but i must have pressed a different button, or double tapped, or something like that, but suddenly it was asking me something, and there was the swipe thingy at the bottom. If I was clever, I would probably restart the phone, but together with the stress, I did not think about that. So I swiped, thinking it was just a different screen unlock, or something. But it clearly wasnt, because after I installed the downloaded update, my phone was completely factory reset. All data gone.
Now I have this problem:
My storage is still used up like before: 456.2/512 GB is full, but I have no access to those files. Is there a way to access them, and possibly recover? It would be amazing. I have most of it backed up, but not the last 2 months. And if its really not possible to recover, how do I delete it, so I can at least use the storage again?
Thanks in advance for any tips and help on what to do. I feel really dumb that I caused this problem to myself, but what has been done, has been done :confused:
