question about kernels

pet monster

13 Jul 2012
I'm new to MIUI ROM, I installed it a few days ago. I've had my phone rooted for over a year now and have ran a few ROMs, mostly versions of cyanogenmod but also a few others. I don't know much about kernels, but wile looking at the phones version settings I noticed that I was runing a cyanogenmod kernel version

Is this the normal kernel that MIUI installs with? Is this the best kernel for my phone (T-Mobile HTC G2)?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
I don't really know the differance between a rom and a kernal... I'm not sure if the kernal I have at the moment is something that was installed with CM7, or if its something I installed when I was trying to overclock my phone after I rooted it.
Cool, thanks. Everything seems to be runing fine, I just figured that the kernal would have said something MIUI related insted of CM. Didn't want to be running the wrong thing.