Redmi 3s : Gps Doesn´t Work Properly In Spain

Ramón Iparra

Jan 18, 2017

Version MIUI

MIUI Global 7.3 I .... Estable ... (MALCNDE)

The GPS doesn´t work properly at least in Spain.

For instance If you load an app as wikiloc….and try to load a the begining is OK but 10 seconds later some banners in red ...say that signals are weak...

Besides the acuracy of the GPS is not good enough.

I think that it is not ready for European market…Recently new Galileo satellites have been launched for covering european much better market Europe
Does anyone use this phone (Redmi 3S) in Portugal?

Can you give me feedback on how the GPS behaves?
Are you suggesting that based on your (1) device, the whole 3S series sold in thousands isn't ready for Europe and it needs Galileo extra satellite support to cover it ? Are you stupid ?

Also your software is old and outdated, which means the gps.conf might be old too. Reflash official up to date software in EDL mode and test again.