Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G


31 Jan 2024
I am using Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G and in version VEUXG_V14.0.4.0.TKCMIXM.
Im having a problem with the notification sounds, the problem is that no matter what app i am using it uses the xiaomi default notification sound and not the application one.
Can it somehow be fixed to use the app default sound and not the system one.
I didn't have that problem in stock MIUI.
Have you set your own notification sound for these applications?
If not, do it.
- app "Security" > manage apps > select app > notification > change sound
I do not want to download notification sounds for every app that i use, and app notification sound is not showing when i want to choose it, so i guess it isn't possible in software to like use the notifications of the app? In stock MIUI it was just the app notification and for every other it was just xiaomi default sound