Removind date from lockscreen topbar!


30 Jan 2011
Hi guys, now that we have the new lockscreens, one little thing is a bit odd, the date is duplicated.

Anyone knows if it is possible to remove/hide the date from the topbar?


De-compile SystemUI.apk, and edit strings.xml located in \res\values-en (en for english, if using another language you will have to edit the proper strings.xml for that language).

Edit this line:
<string name="status_bar_date_format_lock">E, MMM d</string>
To this:
<string name="status_bar_date_format_lock"></string>

Save the file, then recompile the SystemUI.apk; push to /system/app/ and set permissions to 644 (rw-r--r--), reboot.

Done, enjoy.
Thanks ZeroBarrier, quick question, can i add TMN (my operator) to the string?

<string name="status_bar_date_format_lock">TMN</string>

Or even better, do you know what is the command we need to add, so it will display the operator name?

This one is a bit easier.

De-compile framework-res.apk. Go to \res\xml\ and edit the eri.xml. Change any line containing your carriers name (Verizon Wireless, Sprint, etc.) to what you want displayed.

Now instead of recompiling, all you need to do is push the de-compiled eri.xml to /data/ and set permissions to 666 (rw-rw-rw), and reboot.

Done, enjoy.