[rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

The ivan's one give me lag in mic when calling and random reboots
Hmm I managed to install it once then tried other ROM. Now every time I install Ivan it fail closed many system apps just after first boot. Like g play services. Donno why

Sorry off topic
just installed via mipcsuite 5.4.3 for mi2s. it works great!!!!! but need multilanguage and playstore now
ps just long time at boot
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View attachment 9795

Another drop of happiness... Cheers!
Thank you for your work.
Cheers, thanks buddy !

Everyone who wants to try the new Lolipop Based build, you can install xiaomi.eu build this week.
I will need some time to rewrite all the Mods but the Rom by itself is working quite OK.
Just found out these 2 things XIAOMI messed up in the latest 5.4.3 version.
- Power Modes are not working at all
- No Thermal Deamon

That means your phone will never run on full performance. All Powermodes are the same doesnt matter which one you chose.
Thermal Deamon cares about the phones temperature ( cpu and battery ). When it gets too hot it reduces the performance to cool the device. Without this Service your device can get damaged on very high temperatures. In Germany its currently about 10°C, so that shouldnt be a problem here ^^ ...
I made a huge step today for Mi2/s Lollipop Build!
I managed to bring back the PowerMode Switch!!!
Further the CPU Limiter will change:
When using CPU-Limiter, you will have only 2 cores in Balanced Mode with your specified CpuFreq! (This means even more Power Saving!)
For Example:

CPU Limiter disabled:

Performance Mode:
-4 Cores
-Always 4 Cores online
-Always Full Freq 1728 Mhz

Balanced Mode:
-4 Cores
-Minimum 1 Cores online (the other Cores get online when needed)
-Maximum 4 Cores online
-Using all Cpu Freqs until Full 1728 Mhz

CPU Limiter enabled:
Performance Mode:
-4 Cores
-Always 4 Cores online
-Always Full Freq 1728 Mhz

Balanced Mode:
-2 Cores (Dual Core)
-Always 2 Cores online
-Using all Cpu Freqs until the specified CPU-Limit (for example 1248 MhZ)

I will do some tests to give recommendations about which is the best CPU Limit or which setting can be laggy.
At the end we will have a huge powersaving effect with that dualcore function ;)
Short status update for Mi2s Lollipop Build:

CRT-OFF Animation will no longer be supported!
Disable BEEP when adjusting Volume will no longer be supported!
z3 Dalvik libs will no longer be supported!
MiXplorer cannot read /sdcard (I will post that bug to the developer)
Boot-Time takes a little bit more time (be patient)...
There might be some problems with Gapps (please flash official gapps in CWM if you have problems)

Volume Boost Mod is still available but you probably wont need it (Android L has great Sound!)
NEW Modded ScreenOFF Animation --> GreyOut Animation available in AROMA
Fully working PowerModes
Improved Performance in Performance Mode
Improved PowerSaving in Balnaced Mode
Fully compatible with CWM ( no need for )
All other sMiUI Mods working!

Antutu Benchmark:
Official MiUI 5.4.3
Performance Mode: ~ 30.000
Balanced Mode: ~ 30.000

sMiUI 5.4.3
Performance Mode: ~ 32.000
Balanced Mode: ~ 21.000 (CPU Limiter DualCore at 1248 Mhz) huge Powersaving and no Lags !

To Do:
Center Clock Mod
DualBoot Testing
Go to sleep
Wait for next release to see that Xiaomi changed everything again ... and again .. and again ...and again...
Thank you Sebsch for your work!
Balanced mode leads to a good battery life?
I heard the update takes a lot of storage space.. Is it possible to reduce it a bit?
Here, some happinness for you!

Enjoy and keep this amazing work!
Thanks for your support dude, Cheers !

sMiUI 5.4.3 Lollipop for aries is finished ;) !!!

Please report any bugs (maybe I forgot something) ...
Please tell me how you like the DualCore CPU Limit Feature ...
Please report your battery runtime ...

Download Link is in Post #1
Full Wipe/ Wipe Data is highly recommended to clear all old files!!

I did not test about True Dual Boot by now, so you should better disable it before flashing!
CRT-OFF Animation will no longer be supported!

NEW Modded ScreenOFF Animation --> GreyOut Animation available in AROMA
I'm sad... I really love crt off
Could u post a little video of the new greyout animation?
Thanks a lot for ur work
Sent from Xiaomi Mi-6w ( the "w" is for winter not for wonder)...with tapatalk 26°
Hi sebsch
thx for your work I tried to install your new aries rom but my phone stocks on mi logo could the rom only work on mi2s? (Instead of mi2)
I installed the rom like each other so I wiped data caches and because of lollipop I formated the systeme to
Thx in advanced
TDB is working here, great work Sebsch, thanks..

edit: old system become laggy but no need to use it..
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Hi sebsch
thx for your work I tried to install your new aries rom but my phone stocks on mi logo could the rom only work on mi2s? (Instead of mi2)
I installed the rom like each other so I wiped data caches and because of lollipop I formated the systeme to
Thx in advanced
Should work on Mi2 as well. The Boot take much more time than before with KitKat ROM. Just be patient and wait about 5-10 minutes after first flash.

TDB is working here, great work Sebsch, thanks..

edit: old system become laggy but no need to use it..
Nice, thanks for report!

Thank you!

Do I need to format system, or does the installer do it automatically?
You dont need to do that.

does xposed work on the new rom, bro?
You have to find an xposed Framework for Lollipop, thats all.
Just cant seem to install CWR via update app. I supose from bootloader I can´t either.
I´m at aries_beta_images_5.3.27_4.4_cn.
I will try install the aries_beta_images_4.9.19_4.4_cn_924f0ac59b.tgz and try to use update app.
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Thanks for your support dude, Cheers !

sMiUI 5.4.3 Lollipop for aries is finished ;) !!!

Please report any bugs (maybe I forgot something) ...
Please tell me how you like the DualCore CPU Limit Feature ...
Please report your battery runtime ...

Download Link is in Post #1
Full Wipe/ Wipe Data is highly recommended to clear all old files!!

I did not test about True Dual Boot by now, so you should better disable it before flashing!

Testing right now on my M2s 16gb and found a problem here. I'm getting FC always when opening the Google Keyboard.

I'll try to reflash, however I made a full wipe before flashing.