[GUIDE] Install TWRP for Mi 11/Pro/Ultra


12 Aug 2016
Before starting the process, the bootloader must be unlocked and Install Xiaomi USB drivers

New update:

Instructions to install Xiaomi.EU rom for Mi11/Pro/Ultra via TWRP

1. Download minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.4.3_setup and install. Note to install it straight into the C drive. At this time, there will be a Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder in the C drive
Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qMeXu_DLkF1WlvRo__qy8ZNmm2WAmR3v/view?usp=drivesdk

Or shortened link: https://bit.ly/3oIeg1p

2. Download the TWRP file for Mi11/Pro/Ultra.
TWRP for MI11 venus
TWRP for MI11Pro/Ultra mars/star
(Or check here: https://androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=318170 )
3. Rename the downloaded file to twrp.img, copy the TWRP file to the Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder in drive C.
4. Download the Xiaomi.EU rom for your phone (find it yourself on the web). After downloading, copy the rom to the phone (should be in the root directory for easy finding later).
5. Put the phone into Fastboot mode (Power key + volume down key).
Run the file: "C:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot\cmd-here.exe"
Type the command: fastboot boot twrp.img
Tip => Use the TAB key to complete filenames in command prompt windows
Wait for the installation, the phone will automatically run into TWRP
6. On TWRP, Change the language of TWRP to English, by clicking the right button on TWRP and select English.. then OK.
7. Enter the device (phone) password and press Enter for TWRP to have access to the file.
(Note: You definitely need to format data once you change ROMs - i.e. when changing ROM versions like going from stable to weekly, from official to Xiaomi.EU.... For updating within the same ROM you don't need to do that.... Do the formatting right at this step )
Run the following command after formatting to copy the rom.
adb push rom.zip /sdcard
Note: Rom is copied to Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder in the C

8. Install TWRP recovery to phone by: Select "Advanced" and select "Onekey inject TWRP". (wait for the device to install). Next time you want to enter TWRP, just press the power key + volume up (volume up). [Option]

9. Install the rom by on TWRP, select Install -> find the rom file mentioned in section 4.
10. After the installation is complete, wait for the device to restart (it takes about 5 minutes).
Update: TWRP currently does not support the "update-package" command. So after updating you still have to manually select the downloaded zip file to install. So having TWRP saves the need for a computer, but it's not available for OTA yet
(The device will not lose data if you are using XiaomiEU rom with the same version (stable -> stable, dev->dev))

Credit: miuiturkiye.net -> Big thanks to miuiturkiye.net
Installing Twrp Recovery
1. Before starting the process, the bootloader must be unlocked.
2. Install Xiaomi USB drivers
3. Enable Usb debugging from Settings - Additional settings - developer options.
4. Download the TWRP installer and extract it from the rar file.
5. Download the TWRP file, extract it from rar and copy it to C directory (password: xiaomivn )
6. Double click the file "残 芯 专用 TWRPRecovery 刷 入 工具 Win 版 V2.0" in twrp-installation-araci.rar (password: xiaomivn )
7. From the section where it says Select TWRP file marked with number 1, select Show TWRP file you moved in C.
8. Turn off your phone and put it into fastboot mode by holding down the volume down and power keys.
9. Connect your phone in fastboot mode to your computer.
10. Click on the upload button marked with the number 2.
11. Your phone will boot into TWRP.
This loaded TWRP is a one-time install. So after exiting TWRP, it will return to the original recovery. To make TWRP permanent, change the language to English from the language selection, you can use the TWRP /Advanced /Onekey Inject TWRP option.
Features :
- ADB Sideload is running
- Data decryption works
- Debug is running
Zip password: xiaomivn
TWRP Upload tool: https://www.fshare.vn/file/YCGZDJBPC913
Mi 11 TWRP 3.5.1 Download: https://www.fshare.vn/file/WM7R2NU1A27I Mirror: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vXHuuqxcjpFhEmCasl8_YY9aejt7uzDm/view?usp=sharing
Mi 11 Pro/Ultra TWRP 3.5.1 Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O5kugeQd8hAy2QSVFQSe5BGxffZQh4F0/view?usp=sharing
Thanks @deepblue2000 share link Google Drive.
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Thanks for sharing this, I am wondering why we need this approach with an extra tool where in the past a "fastboot boot <twrp.img>" was sufficient...
As it is not a TWRP image according Android standard and for installation is needed some suspicious Chinese tool, we will not support TWRP installation for venus/star/mars yet.. We will wait for another TWRP release which will be more transparent..

So we continue with fastboot ROMs...
As it is not a TWRP image according Android standard and for installation is needed some suspicious Chinese tool, we will not support TWRP installation for venus/star/mars yet.. We will wait for another TWRP release which will be more transparent..

So we continue with fastboot ROMs...
Thanks !
For those who want to use this twrp, I have a Google translation of the tool posted on my other post, https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/twrp-for-mi-11-ultra.61241/post-607368 .I have used it, there are no security issues found on virus scan and it installed a perfectly working TWRP with decryption of A11 fully and support of AB ROMs.
I appreciate there is no greater official release and that updated ROMs will remain in fastboot format for now but this TWRP version will help those who need access in the mean time.
For those who want to use this twrp, I have a Google translation of the tool posted on my other post, https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/twrp-for-mi-11-ultra.61241/post-607368 .I have used it, there are no security issues found on virus scan and it installed a perfectly working TWRP with decryption of A11 fully and support of AB ROMs.
I appreciate there is no greater official release and that updated ROMs will remain in fastboot format for now but this TWRP version will help those who need access in the mean time.

hi, can you post screenshot of menu please. Thanks !
hi, can you post screenshot of menu please. Thanks !
I only translated the fixed text. I used it from the original instructions then thought it might be helpful for others. This is all I have.


  • AB Recovery Flasher.png
    AB Recovery Flasher.png
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TWRP is working for Mi 11, a testing A11 recovery rom has been flashed using the current TWRP that is available for Mi 11 and it's booting to system. It is a good sign for the development of Mi 11.
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As it is not a TWRP image according Android standard and for installation is needed some suspicious Chinese tool, we will not support TWRP installation for venus/star/mars yet.. We will wait for another TWRP release which will be more transparent..

So we continue with fastboot ROMs...
Exactly! Wouldn't it be just as easy to post the script for this app if simple ADB commands do not work? Anytime an app is required to replace simple ADB commands, I would like to know what is in the script for that app.
Because it is Android 11: D
Wouldn't it be just as easy to post the script for this app if simple ADB commands do not work? Anytime an app is required to replace simple ADB commands, I would like to know what is in the script for that app.
Wouldn't it be just as easy to post the script for this app if simple ADB commands do not work? Anytime an app is required to replace simple ADB commands, I would like to know what is in the script for that app.
The command to flash the TWRP using ADB command will be release later. No need to use the tool provided anymore to flash TWRP on Mi 11.

1) Download TWRP for Mi 11 , and put it in your fastboot folder.
2) Put your phone into fastboot mode.
3) Do the following command : fastboot boot twrp-recovery-venus. It will automatically boot into TWRP.
4) Change language to English (press the 6th option).
5) Go to "Advanced" and select "Onekey inject TWRP".
6) Swipe to inject the TWRP. It might take a few minutes, so don't worry.

As describe in this thread, so no more the use of Chinese tool to install TWRP.
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1) Download TWRP for Mi 11 , and put it in your fastboot folder.
2) Put your phone into fastboot mode.
3) Do the following command : fastboot boot twrp-recovery-venus. It will automatically boot into TWRP.
4) Change language to English (press the 6th option).
5) Go to "Advanced" and select "Onekey inject TWRP".
6) Swipe to inject the TWRP. It might take a few minutes, so don't worry.

As describe in this thread, so no more the use of Chinese tool to install TWRP.

Nice, we have now normal way to install this TWRP ,
Before flash have i the set the slot from cmd to A?
I hope we can now get the recovery rom @ingbrzy ?