Update Suggestion


30 Dec 2016
Hi, I have just gotten a Mi4 3/16 (it says MI 4W in the specs) from a friend of mine: it has 4.4.4. KTU84P and xiaomi.eu 7.1 stable

Does this mean the bootloader has already been unlocked and I can flash a newer xiaomi.eu ROM?

Which version do you suggest for my device?

Mi4 bootloader isn't blocked (so far)..
You must do these steps..
1. Merge partitions
2. Install TWRP
3. Flash xiaomi.eu rom..
I suggest you to find a guide on Google in your language..

< Mi4 LTE 3/16 gb >
Thank you mycro7.

My question is also which Rom xiaomi.eu stable do you suggest, since it's not clear from the table xiaomi.eu community/threads/6-12-29.37056/ which one is my cellphone.

I was assuming I probably already have merged partitions and twrp installed since it has xiaomi.eu 7.1 stable installed... Am I wrong?
If you have android 4.4.4 I don't think partitions are merged.. Better check it..
Correct rom is MI3WMI4W (cancro)..
I cannot suggest any stable cause I use only latest developer..

< Mi4 LTE 3/16 gb >
Thanks. I have been following a how to thru which I was able to flash Android 6.

Does this mean my partitions are merged or I am supposed to do something specific for that?

Thanks again, downloading the Romanian you suggested meanwhile.