Updating Xiaomi Mi Note (virgo) To Marshmallow From Kitkat


14 Jul 2016
Hey everyone,

I've not long time ago bought xiaomi mi note with android kit kat preinstalled. It was updated by some of my friend with rom from this site, it uses MIUI v7 (5.10.8) as of right now. I wanted to update it to the newest MIUI v7/8 but I got... A LOT of trouble and I tried everything I could to my knowledge. Let me explain what I did step by step
0. took a backup
1. cleaned WHOLE phone that is internal memory / /data /system /cache and dalvik.
2. tried to update straight from 4.4 to 6.0 with TWRP 3.0.0. I failed with two errors "no partition named <...> /userdata" and "no partition named <...> /system" AND flashing failed, error number 7.
3. tried to find solution, came across solution that suggests reinstalling 5.11.27 twice.
4. I downloaded 5.11.27, tried to install it, got an error "this rom is for 'virgo', your device is 'omni_virgo'"
5. pulling my hair, trying to find another solution, some people suggested restarting after formatting before installing 6.0 - didn't work.
6. tried to format via fastboot - didn't work
7. tried to reflash recovery via fastboot - didn't work
8. recovered back to old system with backup I made in step 0.

My phone details:
TWRP - 3.0.0, tried to flash again and didn't work.
Current MIUI - MIUI v7 (5.10.8)
Android - 4.4.4 KTU84P

What my questions are:
1. how to fix error when flashing to MIUI 5.11? OR
2. how to update straight to 6.0 from my current version?