What is the "Root" subfolder inside the androidfilehost.com Xiaomi ROM hosting?

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Is it ironic? Should I know it?
Sarcasm, yes. Your question makes no sense.
There is no "ROOT subfolder". "Root" is the root of our AndroidFileHost mirror, where all of the previous versions are stored.
Unix is built as a file system, everything in Unix is described by its location in that file system, or file "tree" if you like.


What is the "root" of a tree?

The base from which everything else grows /is derived.

"Root" here means simply the top directory in the file system.

"Root" means also the top administrator in a Unix system, who has all rights in the system.
Unix is built as a file system, everything in Unix is described by its location in that file system, or file "tree" if you like.


What is the "root" of a tree?

The base from which everything else grows /is derived.

"Root" here means simply the top directory in the file system.

"Root" means also the top administrator in a Unix system, who has all rights in the system.

I know the meaning of "root" but it was strange to see it here.
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