What problems would Chinese rom have in Europe?

More notifications indeed, but I seem to have some issues (besides losing my wallpaper). First, the keyboard is randomly - and after a reboot - reset to the stock Chinese kb. Secondly, I get weird notifications in Chinese from time to time (easy to dismiss). And thirdly, battery seems to be worse, not better, in my case.
Yeah, you have to set wallpaper after disabling optimization. The keyboard will return to chinese each reboot. I found no way around it. Though I don't reboot my phone more than once a month or when there is an update. Battery life is unfortunately very personal as it might depend a lot on usage. Me for example, I can manage perfectly fine with a Pixel 5 or Mi 9. So I am not a power use at all.
None of this happened to me. Only wallpaper was changed, and battery life is good. I also deleted com.miui.powerkeeper and debloated many apps though.