When do you decide dev must be stable


Apr 8, 2019
Hi , what exactly I mean is, you spend certain time, don't know what it deppends on, developing the weekly rom, improving it, and, I supose, at a certain moment you decide to make it stable, works like that?

i am asking this because I have to decide wich rom to flash to my mobile and I want to know as much as possible to decide it.

Thanks in advance
Hi , what exactly I mean is, you spend certain time, don't know what it deppends on, developing the weekly rom, improving it, and, I supose, at a certain moment you decide to make it stable, works like that?

i am asking this because I have to decide wich rom to flash to my mobile and I want to know as much as possible to decide it.

Thanks in advance
Wrong place to ask these questions. We don't decide anything. We use official Stable and Beta/Developer ROMs as the base for our ROMs.
It's Xiaomi who makes those decisions, not us.
Thats not what i meant, i mean you try to solve bugs? Do you jntend to add new features? You only translate?
Seems interesting.

Do you "hear" forum users feature requests? I am not planning to request nothjng, heheh, just curiosity
That is quite true seeing changelog lenghts.
So, stable comes from a very developed dev ROM, isn't it? Or are there differences that makes one of them better than the other?
That is quite true seeing changelog lenghts.
So, stable comes from a very developed dev ROM, isn't it? Or are there differences that makes one of them better than the other?
Dev ROM has more features, Stable has less. Stable has features that were tested for a long period, Dev has new ones that weren't tested much. However, we apply basically the same patches to both Stables and Devs, so they get the same treatment from us.
So it depends on how adrenaline adicted you are to choose from one or another, isn't it? I am willing to flash a new rom in my device thats why i am asking, and I think I probably try a dev one, well, have to say it came with a dev already, though it is quite old, 8.7.5.
So it depends on how adrenaline adicted you are to choose from one or another, isn't it? I am willing to flash a new rom in my device thats why i am asking, and I think I probably try a dev one, well, have to say it came with a dev already, though it is quite old, 8.7.5.
It's down to personal choice in any aspect. Dev if you want latest features.. Stable if you want something a bit more tried and tested. The decision for any development process is based on a tested (locked down) version which goes through a series of weeks or months of test and feedback then it is deemed stable for purposes of daily use. Anything which incorporates weekly, daily changes would and should be considered experimental and untested, hence development or dev.

That's the process any software goes through to make a dev / stable tree (branch)
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Well, forums like this make it easier, I supose, the more people testing, more chances to find bugs or fix malfunctions, isnt it?

Thats the way for example an OS is tested?
Well, forums like this make it easier, I supose, the more people testing, more chances to find bugs or fix malfunctions, isnt it?

Thats the way for example an OS is tested?
yes - but in future, please use search on the forum... Most of what you asked is answered previously many times.
