where in the world are you?


31 Aug 2012
Hi my names Mike and i live in the uk and have owned my MI-One S for 2 weeks now and am so impressed by it and so have people i've shown it too and i got to thinking how many people out of china have been able to buy one and how many are in the UK.
I hope people who own one of these phones have the same enthusiasm as i do and it would be cool if we could have contact with people from our own countries.
Its nice to see some fellow owners have posted. Have either of you been able to decipher the Chinese to join xiaomi cloud I managed to after going to my local Chinese resteraunt for translation its a pity they can't do an English version of their website
Sorry, I have should say it but I forget: my phone is a Mi-One S. And I'm pretty happy with it. Again, from Argentina.
Nexus S from Cyprus here(i believe i'm the only Cypriot user here :eek: )

Sent from my Nexus S
I thought this forum was uk but it is more international than uk :)

Just a question for you, owners of M1 or M1S.

How did you get it ?

Thx and hoping you're still enjoying yours phones :)

About me I've just dicovered xiaomi and I'm trying to get a M2 thanks my brother in China :)
I got mine from someone who bought it from China.

Yeah its more expensive but worth it.
Yes a litle bit more expensive but it depends where you live.
I mean for me living in France, 1999 yuans become 250€
It's nothing for a phone in France that price. For example an Iphone 16go costs 650 € ! Galaxy S3 same.

So as you see even the mi 2 a litle bit more expensive than the M1S stay a very good deal :p

Since how long have you your M1 ? It is works well as the begin ? Any problem appeared after few month of use ?
I bought my Mi One + on 23 Oct so its still very new.

So far my phone works very well, and meet my expectation. :)

Lucky for you to get your Mi Two btw :p
i got mine from android-tablet-computer for £160 got mine before i found out they were so hard to get and ordered a m1 and got an s instead was well chuffed