WiFi Call (T-Mobile) with Mi9 or Mi9 SE?


May 21, 2019

i´m looking forward to buy a Xiaomi Mi9 or Mi9 SE.

At my home i don´t have a good mobile network - so i urgend need WiFi Call.

On my Search i found, that with older/other xiaomi mobile it worked. But on the newer only with other carriers than t-mobile.

Are there any option to get WiFi Call working?

thx a lot for your help

Nice, I knew voLTE code but not for Wifi Call... I guess the carrier also has to be able to handle calls in volte or wifi.
great - thx! and this work on the Mi9 and Mi9 SE?

Have anyone tried it with t-mobile?
yeah, enabled it on Mi 9 (t-mobile germany). made a call but the other person cannot hear me over VoLTE and VoWifi