Wifi issues with 1.5.6


28 Feb 2011
Hi to all,

With 1.5.6 and HD2 it isn't possible to connect to wifi nwetwork.
Always try to connect without connecting.

I didn't have this issue with all version from 1.4.xx
i'm having the same issue on my DHD I've had zero problems connecting to wifi until I flashed 1.5.6 now I'm unable to connect.
Check in the initrd.gz if you have the follwoing:
service dhcpcd_eth0 /system/bin/dhcpcd -ABKL

and not the
service dhcpcd /system/bin/dhcpcd -ABKL
from previous version
Are you using stock kernels?

I'm using kernel

I think its this one
Radio_12.54.60.25_26.09.04.11_M2_test - HTC Ace Gingerbread S 2.36.405.5
Radio.img MD5 Checksum: 2dc4cfc01516d71c8d68ac2c5e2feda0

atleast thats the radio I flashed

with regards the initrd.gz file i'm unsure where its located and how to edit it.
and i've left the data cable in work opps