Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Lite stopped charging to full


22 Oct 2024
I have had this robot vacuum for almost 2 years and it has been working perfectly, until now. It suddenly stopped charging to full 100% and only charges to around 60-65%, even though when I try to pull it out and put it back in, it wont charge more. All contact surfaces are clean. This change in charging behaviour happened over night pretty much. It says it is "charging", but it doesnt charge past that around 65% mark.
Happened today. Mine stops charging at 61%. Also more or less 2 years old.

Something I've noticed is that the charging light blinks in a strange way, not like it used to.
Yes, the lights are also different. When it charged to full, I think it was the orange looking light, now when it charges it blinks all the time as the bright white light and the blinking never stops.
Didnt find any solution. If you turn it off and on it shows 90%+ but it drains just like it would if it had 60% or so. Like fiacka say, i guess tha battery is dying.
Replacing battery solved the issue. It seems to have a 2 year due date.
Where can i buy a new battery for the thing, i had no idea i can replace it.
Didnt find any solution. If you turn it off and on it shows 90%+ but it drains just like it would if it had 60% or so. Like fiacka say, i guess tha battery is dying.

Where can i buy a new battery for the thing, i had no idea i can replace it.

I live in a remote place so the only option was to send it to replace cells (battery contains 4 cells). Cost was around 70 usd here in Argentina.
I've seen that Aliexpress, Amazon and Ebay have replacements, but the shipping was super expensive.