[Guide] Soft/Hard bricks + usefull info


18 Oct 2021
In this thread I will be talking about bricks and some other problems you might encounter while using stock MIUI or xiaomi.eu MIUI ROMs.

1- Soft Bricks
1.1- Devices with xiaomi.eu ROM and TWRP

If you soft brick your phone, usually its an easy fix, download the lastest stable ROM or beta (recovery) and try to flash it in TWRP, it should work now (common TWRP errors will be discussed later)

If you have beta installed, download and flash the latest beta (or the same version that is installed)
If you have stable installed, download and flash latest stable (or the same version that is installed)

1.2- Devices with xiaomi.eu ROM but no TWRP available

Download the ROM using this pattern

"If you have beta installed, download and flash the latest beta (or the same version that is installed)" (fastboot or hybrid only)
"If you have stable installed, download and flash latest stable (or the same version that is installed)" (fastboot or hybrid only)

After you got the ROM, extract it using WinRAR, connect your phone via fastboot, and install the ROM again, no need to format data

1.3- Devices with stock MIUI and bootloader unlocked

If your device have an unlocked bootloader but using stock MIUI the process is similar (if you dont know if you have bootloader unlocked, run this fastboot command "fastboot getvar unlocked")

If available, flash TWRP (links for TWRP can be found on any ROM post)
If you want to keep stock MIUI download the stock MIUI ROMs found in this website (https://xiaomirom.com/en/) download the same version or higher (recovery)
If you want to upgrade to xioami.eu ROMs download the ROM for your device from the xiaomi.eu ROM threads

In case of stock MIUI just flash the ROM via TWRP and restart
In case of upgrade to xiaomi.eu ROM, format data, then flash the xiaomi.eu ROM

1.4- Devices with stock MIUI and bootloader locked

If you have a stock phone and you need to keep data use this tool unbrick your phone (https://www.xiaomitool.com/V2/)
Follow the steps in the tool

If it fails, your only chance is formating data, go into recovery and format data

2- Hard Bricks
2.1- Any device

If you have an hard brick that means you phone is probably in EDL mode, only an authorized xiaomi account can unbrick your phone.
(some devices have patched firehose that can unbrick the device even if it is in EDL)

3- TWRP errors

If erros appear when flashing an update, restart the phone to recovery and try to flash again until the errors are gone.
(remember to format data if you are doing an downgrade (beta to stable))

If no data is shown in TWRP restart to TWRP and try again
If no data is shown yet after restarting, maybe the wrong TWRP version is installed, check if there is TWRP for your device and Android version

4- Magisk (root)

If you want to flash magisk, download it here (https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases)
Change the .apk file to .zip and flash it using TWRP

5- Unlocking bootloader

To unlock the bootloader follow the steps in the ROM threads.

6- During device usage

If you encounter erros in some system apps, clearing data + cache can fix the issue
Dont update system apps using apks, that could result in crashes or soft bricks, wait for xiaomi.eu ROM updates, they come with system apps updated
Device always charge slower if screen is on
Some bugs are originated from Xiaomi itself, only them can give a fix (if you need ROM with no bugs, try stable)

And thats all, If you need any help reply here or DM me and Ill be happy to help you fix the issue, if you think something should be added here, DM me and Ill add the info
Stay safe, and follow the xiaomi.eu rules

Got a locked Chinese Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra going to fastboot mode only. USB debugging cannot be turned on because cannot get to the phone settings. Phone unlock not working either.

In summary, Fastboot mode only available, but it's locked so cannot flash. Any advice on this would be great.

Got a locked Chinese Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra going to fastboot mode only. USB debugging cannot be turned on because cannot get to the phone settings. Phone unlock not working either.

In summary, Fastboot mode only available, but it's locked so cannot flash. Any advice on this would be great.
Same thing happened to me on my Xiaomi 13 ultra and don't know what to do at this point tried everything on you tube and tried to fix it and all nothing seems to work