Invalid XiaomiEU Hyperos Rom missing translations

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5 Oct 2016
Hi, I don't know if it is a bug or only the hurry to release first version of Hyperos for Veuxg OS1.0.3.0 TKCMIXM in the italian translation version there's still a lot of english... there's no problem for me but I'm curious... anyone has the same problem in other languages? The next incoming version will solve this? Thanks
Hi, I don't know if it is a bug or only the hurry to release first version of Hyperos for Veuxg OS1.0.3.0 TKCMIXM in the italian translation version there's still a lot of english... there's no problem for me but I'm curious... anyone has the same problem in other languages? The next incoming version will solve this? Thanks
How well and to what extent the translation is in a specific language depends on the activity of the translator. For example, the ROM in the Czech language is translated perfectly.
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