Recent content by rattensuppe

  1. rattensuppe

    Careful, Official Ota Update (29th May) Is A Downgrade!

    Hey fellow Xiaomi Users, today I received an update notification for my Redmi Note 5 Global Edition (was on 9.5.6 stable). Unfortunately I didn't check the version and installed the update only to be greeted with a google error message AFTER the installation that my data is corrupted and I...
  2. rattensuppe

    MULTI 7.12.7

    when will android 7 be released for rn3? or are they going straight to 8? 7 must be in closed beta for almost a year now.
  3. rattensuppe

    MULTI 7.7.6

    Oh, ok I though this was related only. Thanks.
  4. rattensuppe

    MULTI 7.7.6

    might not be the right place to ask, but since the official forums suck... why hasn't there been an update for KATE (RN3SE) in a month? does anyone know?
  5. rattensuppe

    MULTI 7.5.25

    can i still upgrade this rom through updater app? (mi3 with rom 7.1.2.)
  6. rattensuppe

    Best Rom For Battery Life ?

    Kate Rom is based on global dev, kenzo on chinese dev.
  7. rattensuppe

    Does The Note 3 - Twrp, Root Etc, On This Page Work For The Kate Version?
  8. rattensuppe

    Twrp For Kenzo & Kate

    Hello guys, currently TWRP for Kenzo and recently also Kate, can be found here: HowTo for Kenzo (also works for Kate): Original TWRP Kenzo/Kate Thread (Chinese):
  9. rattensuppe

    MULTI 6.12.8

    FYI: The next ZCX-TWRP by BY~XM for Kenzo will also officially support Kate. Keep an eye on the next release in this thread: (it works now, but it will be made 100% compatible with Kate soon)
  10. rattensuppe

    MULTI 6.12.1

    Not all ROMs. ROM for "Kate" is based on Global ROM, not Chinese!
  11. rattensuppe

    MULTI 6.12.1

    Look... I was using my Mi3 for about 2 years, and I was using ROM basically from day one and updated almost every week. Otherwise I would have had to use the Chinese ROM which I didn't want. ROM was perfect for me at the time. Then I changed to RN3 SE and there was no...
  12. rattensuppe

    MULTI 6.12.1

    I was asking a serious question. you don't seem to be able to answer ist and instead tell me to go somewhere else? whats wrong with you?
  13. rattensuppe

    MULTI 6.12.1

    whatever. i have been using rom for more than 2 years on my mi3. now i got he redmi note 3 with global rom. and i seriously wonder what benefits i got with xiaomi eu rom. sure, i got more google apps than i need but what else does offer inspite of global rom features?
  14. rattensuppe

    MULTI 6.12.1

    don't make it so easy on yourself