Recent content by z0rk

  1. z0rk

    MIUI 12.0 20.5.14

    I can't find the remote app (to operate the IR blaster). Is there any way to install it via another way?
  2. z0rk

    MULTI 8.3.22

    Option 2: use the miui backup solution for the settings, flash Magisk and use Titanium Backup for your apps. Works much better, but isn't as easy as miui backup...
  3. z0rk

    MULTI 8.3.22

    Just use the build-in backup and restore function from MIUI (Settings - Additional Settings - Backup), it will backup all your apps and settings. Keep in mind that some apps will not be restored correctly, mostly apps that rely on Google Services (e.g. Chrome, Docs, Translate,...)
  4. z0rk

    Hi, I saw your print screen in the latest ROM post, can you tell me what font you are using?

    Hi, I saw your print screen in the latest ROM post, can you tell me what font you are using?
  5. z0rk

    MULTI 7.8.17

    @ingbrzy @schjor @domenix I confirm to have a working Mi6 on MIUI9. The steps: twrp wipe data flash ROM format userdata Thanks for your help!
  6. z0rk

    MULTI 7.8.17

    I wiped everything except system (data, dalvic, cache, internal storage) and sideloaded your ROM via adb sideload. Same story, is booting for 20 minutes now :( I used twrp for now, can try with if you thing this might do the trick...
  7. z0rk

    MULTI 7.8.17 and, tried both
  8. z0rk

    MULTI 7.8.17

    Same here, I reverted back to Global MIUI9. Will wait for other answers or advice from @ingbrzy
  9. z0rk

    MULTI 7.8.17

    I stay in bootloop on Mi6, help would be appreciated! I unlocked my Mi6 today, flashed twrp on it and flashed latest ROM. I stay on loading screen for over an hour now. MIUI9 Global was installed before the unlock, I wiped data, cache and dalvic, and flashed latest ROM...
  10. z0rk

    MULTI 6.12.15

    My Settings are Force Closed when I try to modify the buttons. Settings -> Extra Settings -> Buttons Can someone try? I did a fresh install of this latest version, the only thing I have flashed extra is SuperSU. EDIT: it is a problem with language (translation), it works fine when I set my...
  11. z0rk

    Miui8 Battery Problems

    Hi all, I have problems with all MIUI8 releases with huge battery drains. I tried almost everything but I cannot find a solution. My device never goes in deep sleep, stays warm and drains the battery to 0 in 4 hours without touching the phone. This is going on for weeks now, I cannot use...
  12. z0rk

    MULTI 6.10.20

    Battery use for Mi5 is through the roof again. Android system keeps eating my battery. It was good for several weeks and now the issue is back. I thought this was triggered by one of my apps, but I wiped my device and did a clean install with only 12 apps that I use most to check. Same drain...
  13. z0rk

    Install As System App

    Thread can be closed, this is working now with Titanium Backup.
  14. z0rk

    No Connections In Standby/sleep - Mode

    Go the the Permissions app, grant apps like Whatsapp auto startup, and check the other permissions too. All your issues come from not giving the right permissions or battery optimization is running for certain apps. You can find the battery optimization under the battery settings
  15. z0rk

    Cerberus App

    Installing it as a system app is not mandatory. I run it as a normal app and I have no issues with it. What to check: - give it all the permissions it requires - enable it in the auto-startup - DISABLE BATTERY OPTIMISATION for this app, this is really important! So disable that, and grant...