custom recovery

  1. A

    Can I install with EvolutionX recovery?

    hey, can i install the hyperos custom rom using the evolutionx recovery? or do i have to use fastboot? im on redmi note 11 pro 5g
  2. V

    TWRP Disabeling wireless interface.

    Hi. Im on the POCO X4 PRO 5G stable rom. When i tried to flash the unofficial veux/peux TWRP it made my wireless interfaces not working (WIFI, cellular data, bluetooth etc.) Does anyone know why this happened? Thanks is advance.
  3. pitileteharpalete

    Couldn't install TWRP recovery on Redmi 10.

    Yo guys, I have a feeling about this, but TWRP Can't. Be. Installed. On. My. Redmi 10? Because I said so. So, I wanted to install TWRP, but there was a problem. See, I tried tens of hundreds of videos, but to no avail. Tried commands like: fastboot boot recovery.img fastboot flash recovery...
  4. F

    SOLVED | Eu Rom Question

    I want to ask once I have flashed from CN Rom to EU Rom(Stable Version), do I have to do the same step again to update the ROM when there is a new update? Or can I directly update through the setting there? (Which means the auto-update in the setting)
  5. Oxygen.exe

    New Unable to use recovery and laggy animations

    After flashing ROM on my redmi note 5 pro (global) i flashed recovery and lazy flasher then rebooted to recovery and then to system but now when I go to recovery it asks me for password that I haven't set. Also the animations aren't as smooth as I remember on stable miui. If it matters...
  6. E

    Loading into Stock Recovery even after Flashing TWRP in mi 8 pro

    I followed all the steps of how to install the rom, and I have even done the same in 2 previous devices, but in this the twrp is not maintained and when installing the rom the phone is bricked.
  7. fuzzy_angel

    Installing Custom Eu Rom Without Flashing Twrp

    I understand that flashing TWRP or any other custom recovery voids warranty. My question is, can I install a custom e.g. EU rom without permanently flashing TWRP? Thus, if my phone has a hardware problem like a disfunctioning camera or microphone etc., to be able to flash back an official ROM...
  8. Ciosba

    Any Modding Suggestions?

    Hello everyone, today I received my RedMi Note 3 Pro(the International one), and I'm quite lost in this new device. Until today I used a Nexus 5, easy to mod and add whatever I wanted but I don't want to lose this hobby, and I tried to flash the EU Rom : Talking about this in a Facebook forum, i...
  9. M

    Steps To Install Custom Rom. Am I Right?

    Hey guys, I want to install a custom ROM ( ROM) but I'm not sure about the steps that I have to follow. I read a lot of threads here but there's nothing clear in my mind so these are the steps that I think I have to follow. Please let me know if I am right: This is what I have right...
  10. M

    Unable To Install Twrp

    Hy, guy's and lady's I'm having a big, and dumb, issue on my hands. The story begins with buying a Xiaomi RM3, when it arrived it had a custom rom on it (it had playstore and a ton of Chinese apps) After waiting 12 days for my unlock permission and trying for 2 hours to install developer...