lock screen

  1. potedu63

    Notifications lock screen

    Hello everyone, So this question doesn't seem to be asked that frequently, but it doesn't seem to have a solution either, and i tried everything. Got a xiaomi redmi note pro 13 5g yesterday, got hyperos ( when i say i tried everything, yes that include this install in morocco) And i...
  2. I

    notifications are not displayed in lock sreen

    how to fix this problem?
  3. P

    New Notification Shade on Lock Screen has No Animation

    Useful Information: Phone: Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G MIUI Version: Xiaomi.eu GARNET I just recently updated from, and whenever I try to drag down the notification shade from the lock screen the notification just pops up immediately with no transition or animation. This does not...
  4. T

    How can I use Arabic numbers in my lockscreen? And the phone language in English? If I can't, can I do it with mods?

    How can I put my lockscreen hours in Arabic Numbers? Without putting in the all phone language? Just the lockscreen clock
  5. V

    New Lock screen notifications

    Hello Im on the POCO X4 PRO 5G and running xiaomi.eu rom stable. The problem is that even though i have lockscreen notifications enabled, my lockscreen doesent show notifications. The only thing i think might cause problems is the super walpaper that im using. The weird thing is that...
  6. D

    how to unlock stock MIUI phone without loosing data?

    Hello everybody, I was trying to remove screen lock pin from my Xiaomi Mi 10, from the scren lock settings menu, the phone asked for the current pin and, after entering it (correctly I assume), the phone gave an error and shut down. Since the next reboot I've still found the lock screen asking...
  7. zylzyl

    Mi 9T Pro lock screen loop - suspected battery issue

    Hello everybody, I've noticed this a couple times over the span of the last week, but sometimes my phone would just go all black and then back into the lock screen every now and then, maybe a couple times per day. I didn't really think anything of it, however, this morning I was unable to...
  8. Shizaru

    How to change the color of the clock on the lockscreen?

    I decided to put a light wallpaper on the lockscreen and faced the fact that the interface adapts, but the clock does not. They remain white no matter what, the second screenshot put the wallpaper slightly gray to make it clear that the clock is still in place. Can this be fixed somehow? Or...
  9. U

    New Lock screen blocked for one error

    Hi I just made the MIUI 13 update but yesterday I had a problem I made an error in my patern (while unlocking my phone) a message appeared and a timer it lock my phone for 1220 minutes , the message was "Too many attempt was made to unlock on the second space, this device is now locked" i waited...
  10. T

    Fingerprint on Redmi Note 11

    Greetings. I have a minor problem but annoying one with Redmi Note 11, where as I hold the phone it will always detect fingers or hand touching the fingerprint sensor and vibrate/try to scan it... So my question is if there is a way to have fingerprint off when the phone is locked(display is...
  11. T

    Invalid Lock screen clock format not working properly

    Whenever I try and use this clock format (top-left with big date and day) it always gives me this one (top-left with small date and day). It used to work literally yesterday, but today it just stopped working. ( stable/device name: olive)
  12. I

    How to add users from lock screen

    Hello, Can someone tell me how can I add users from lockscreen since there is an option on Multiple Users to add users from lockscreen?
  13. D


    Good morning I write because the EU 12.2.2 rom recently installed and I notice a problem in the lock screen that is dark in comparison to the rest of the screens. I communicate that I have removed night mode and the related items with a dark background. Anyone have a solution? Or is it a Roma...
  14. K

    New Redmi note 8 pro lock screen notification not normal after update to miui 12

    Hello everyone. I recently got a new redmi note 8 pro and was working perfectly. 3 days after the first use I updated from MIUI 11 to MIUI 12. I set up the phone again since many of my settings were gone. Everything looks good except from the lock screen notifications. Everything looks like...
  15. L

    New Mi9SE screen contrast changes at lock screen.

    Hello. I defined my Mi9SE contrast and colors setting to the default option. But, everytime i am at lockscreen, the contrast is very high compared to the home screen. ROM version: 20.1.9
  16. Q

    New Mi9SE - 9.12.6 - Screen lock flickers and ignores reading mode screen tint

    Im having 2 issues with the animation that plays when locking the screen on 9.12.6. When pressing the power button the screen goes off for a fraction of a second, then comes back on and goes of again. Also when the screen goes off initially and then comes back on for a short time, the reading...
  17. P

    Bug or feature?

    Hello there, I have been using my Mi6 for two years now and right at the beginning I noticed that notifications behave differently than on the previous phones from different brands that I have had. I noticed that once I receive a notification while the phone is unlocked and I lock it, it does...
  18. Akr0n

    Invalid [9.7.18][Redmi Note 7 - Mi9] Notifications not showing their content on lock screen

    Hello, as of last weekly, 9.7.18, I think notifications on lock screen are broken: I have always turned on the setting that can make you read notification's content on lock screen but now the notification's text does not show on lock screen. I've only tested with Whatsapp and Telegram but the...
  19. vegetz

    Invalid [RESOLVED] 9.6.13 Notification sealing on lock screen.

    The 'Show all notifications and thier contents' option for notification on lock screen is not working. It's the same as 'Show all notifications but hide content', the notification is sealed and i need to lift up the phone and do the face unlock to reveal the sealed notifications. I'm on Mi 9.
  20. shazam_104

    Invalid MIUI 10.3 8.12.27 | Xiaomi Mi 6 Fingerprint unlock missing

    After I updated to 8.12.27 the fingerprint unlock doesn't work, I noticed that from settings the option unlock with fingerprint gesture isn't available anymore. Edit: Solved, I reboot again and it's fixed.