- 11 Mar 2021
- 4
- 5
Hello everyone. I apologize in advance for my english.
I found out such a problem - when the device is connected to the car via bluetooth, the connection status is "Connected (except audio)". If I disable AAC for this connection, the checkbox will still return to the "Enabled" status when I close settings. When I try to change the audio codec in developer mode, the changes are also not saved and are reset to "default" after close dev. settings. Car of 2020, this problem did not arise on the stable rom. I also tried to delete the connection, restart the phone and car media center - to no avail. The only problem is with this connection, the headphones work without problems.
I found out such a problem - when the device is connected to the car via bluetooth, the connection status is "Connected (except audio)". If I disable AAC for this connection, the checkbox will still return to the "Enabled" status when I close settings. When I try to change the audio codec in developer mode, the changes are also not saved and are reset to "default" after close dev. settings. Car of 2020, this problem did not arise on the stable rom. I also tried to delete the connection, restart the phone and car media center - to no avail. The only problem is with this connection, the headphones work without problems.