2GB ram but still can't use two apps simultaneously


1 Jul 2014
I have a problem with my device. It constantly closes apps to free up memory. For example, if I am using a running tracker and decide to take a picture, the running app stops and I find out when I return home, so frustrating. I think 2 gb of ram should be capable of running more than one app + launcher and system/kernel stuff. I am using Nova instead of the default launcher, which should be lighter right?

I know I can lock apps in the memory but this also means that I have those apps running when I do not need to anymore. Also, when clearing the last app page, battery trackers like Gsam often stop working. Why should this behavior be so different of other phones I have (1gb but keeps fitness and battery trackers running)?
check this one, enable auto start ur app which want to keep running, I'm also use Nova as my default launcher...
The device sometimes reaches a point where it even keeps closing the keyboard while typing. Last time that happened it suddenly refused to boot and I had to wipe everything. Don't know, it's all just so weird. I've never had these issues before on other devices, but I do have them on this one regardless of which weekly version I'm on.
This was one of the main reasons I changed to a HTC One.
I don't know why, but there is no multitasking in Xiaomi mi3,no matter what you try. I tried everything, permissions, auto start, ram scripts, stable and developer rom... But i think it's software fault. Maybe it will change in V6