Baseband update question (SGS2)


28 Oct 2011

I always wondered if MIUI installer includes in updates the newest baseband version for SGS2 in my case. Currently I've got the XXKI4 baseband if I remember correctly. If Samsung releases the newer one, do you going to include it in your update package? Or do I have to "track" the newest versions myself and install them separatly ?

Just looked at the latest rom and there is no modem in it.. I would imagine if there was a substantial update they would put it in but as you can flash these at any time after the rom, whats the point of making the zip file even bigger?

Hi! Thanks for your reply.
I know that I can flash new basebands at any time later, but shouldn't it be easier to always include the newest version in the installation zips? I mean, newer basebands should fix bugs, improve some stuff and improve the overall performance of the device, am I right? Tracking down the newest version for SGS2 is quite difficult (many versions, names, etc.)
Well I for one dont want a modem in the zips.. just because its newer dont make it better.. in fact, the newest is KI4 I think but I use KG1 T-Mobile modem which is best for me..

Okay. Thanks for clearing things out for me. I just thought that the newer version would always be better (thought that there are bugfixes and improvments included which makes a better perfomance).
Okay. Thanks for clearing things out for me. I just thought that the newer version would always be better (thought that there are bugfixes and improvments included which makes a better perfomance).
Its not a one size fits all tbh, it has other factors to take in to account ie country network carrier etc. I would s***est trying a few out and see what suits you best. Ive tried most and am back on kh3. Im with orange uk. If you need a link to any modems give us a shout.;)