Color OS Beta Updated 03/01/2014

guys someone can ask about why isn't language updated? Italian isn't updated is half and half but the italian embassador says is at least complete at 98/99%
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Works well. Around 25k in Antutu. Had a Problem with airplane mode. After deactivating it, i had to restart the phone to geht 3g back.

Gesendet von meinem Huawei MediaPad mit Tapatalk
I installed new version. Very nice ROM, MIUI camera added, not limit files in desktop folder. But a have a bug in russian. On desktop i want change wallpaper and get FC.... It's problem only for russian language:(
With the lastest version , even with the mini-gapps pack, i'm unable to get the Google Play. No icon at all.
i tried 3 pack of Gapps.

Without this, even with the language set to english, the Oppo Market stay in chineese, to the rom is nearly useless
anyone has tried to install latest version using CWM mine gives status 7 error
anyone has tried to install latest version using CWM mine gives status 7 error it's wiui recovery right? If yes, just flash m1cha recovery and you're done :)

Inviato dal mio MI 2S utilizzando Tapatalk it's wiui recovery right? If yes, just flash m1cha recovery and you're done :)

Inviato dal mio MI 2S utilizzando Tapatalk is the latest CWM recovery from M1cha. so, based on linuxx suggestion to modify the ROM. here what i did
- Open the ROM zip using 7-zip or WinRAR,
- Navigate to meta-inf/com/google/android & Extract the updater-script.
- Open updater-script using Notepad++ & delete the lines: "assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "aries" || getprop("") == "aries");"
- Save the file.
- Drag it back to the Original zip (the same directory from where you've extracted it) using 7-zip and confirm.

i will try to flash and report back.
anyway, there is new ColorOS version update :)

EDIT: the solution still gives me error status 7 :(
EDIT: new updated ROM size
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it seems the latest version size is larger than my current system partition, so it gives me status 7. compared to other custom ROM, this ROM has much larger size (425 MB-->latest) maybe thats why it always says not much space left for system.
the dev should make more compact in terms of size.
EDIT: downloaded new ROM with updated smaller size
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update: it seems the dev of colorOS has uploaded the correct ROM. previously after unzip it is 514 MB, clearly not fit on system (zipped 425 MB) now is 490 MB (zipped 388 MB) and i can install it with no error.
EDIT: i have already installed with no errors. i will have some experience with it before giving comments. seems a good ROM.

1st impression: nice ROM, good battery on power saving, comparable to WIUI. smooth. i like the camera widget. custom gestures! everything looks so nice.
-mostly theme are cartoonish, but there are some nice too.
-the default language is chinese. a bit difficult to change if you dont recognize icons and setting. lol. but it is multilanguage.
-the weather only available on some big cities
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what do you mean by isn't updated? do you mean it is translated but some are wrong? yes, i also find some english wrongly spelled. lol. btw do you use latest version?
nope i try when an update come but switch to the miui if isn't updated. I'm a part of italian miui forum and here we have the oppo's ambassador and he doing the translation for miui and oppo so if the lenguage isn't updated is oppo's fault. Probably for their phone is updated but for other device isn't -.-
this rom is in my mi2 :)
i have some questions for you, since i have also tried on my mi2s
- is it the latest version?
- is it rooted? i cannot root my phone even using framaroot
- since the size is very big compared other rom, is it possible to install Gapps? the remaining system size is only 6 MB.
i have some questions for you, since i have also tried on my mi2s
- is it the latest version?
- is it rooted? i cannot root my phone even using framaroot
- since the size is very big compared other rom, is it possible to install Gapps? the remaining system size is only 6 MB.
Yes, it's the lastest can download here
To root this room, you can set up ShuameSetup_2.1.0 on PC; connect the phone to PC then you can root it :) It's easy by some click.
And Gapp for this rom here Intall it by CWM, may be report fail.Don't worry, restart phone.Then you can sign Google account, open Google Play and download Google services.Done !