Hello out there in MIUI land, I wanted to ask a couple of questions and bump this topic as it's as close as I can find searching the site.
1st question is, can someone tell me if I'm using the latest and greatest stable release for my older Google G2 phone. About Phone yields these details..
Model: HTC Desire Z
Android Version: 2.3.7
Kernel ver: #1
Build: MIUI-2.3.30
This ROM I found on a mediafire link from someone's blog confirming it's english language package. And it was too!

Google was my friend that day. It stated it was Jelly Bean, but another blog implied it was in fact Gingerbread. I don't know for sure but the installer package file name is: miuiandroid_jellybean-2.3.30.zip .
Second part of question is not MIUI related but you folks know more than I ever will. Okay I've done backups of all ROM's with ROM Manager and I can switch to any ROM I have (stock rooted froyo/cyanogenmod7/MIUI 2.3.30.
But, I can't recall exactly the topic conversation I read on the merits of using Titanium Backup * Root instead of, or maybe it was in conjunction with?
Can someone clarify the best possible usage of either/both scenario's for me.
Thank You for the ROM I have and Thanks for any replies made.
Mikey (Mookie)