Dualboot Stock JB and Miui 2.14.2


18 Dec 2012
I'm trying to dualboot the Xiaomi MI2 but don't get it to work properly.

I flashed miui + lang 2.14.2 in system 2 and the stock jb zip in system one

But if i wipe all data and boot one if the systems it's okay for that one. But the other boot i get FC's all over the place. Contacts, Play Store ect.

Does somebody know how to get it to work? i can't find a good answer.
I think the problem here lies in the differences in framework between stock jb and actual miui. since the 2 partitions share the same user data. I do not think it will be possible to dual boot stock jb and actual miui.
Yeah Xiaomi phones aren't true "multi" they just have separate /systems but rely on same /data. Which allows same OS (ex MIUI / stock) on both partitions, but not separate.
Is stock version Chinese version? If so, this might be reason (took it from Hadron explanation):

From my experience you can't use two ROMs at same time from two different Forums (Origional Chinese version and translated version) and boot from any of them ! data is not cosistent . Chinese Roms are Odexed but This forum ROMs are Deodexed i think thats the problem. So you have to install both ROMs from same Source (Chinese or MIUIandroid) version can be different (old and new)
You can link me to whatever Chinese stock ROM your using, and I can deodex it. You can try that.
You can link me to whatever Chinese stock ROM your using, and I can deodex it. You can try that.

You can also find the native (stock) ROM latest for mi1s and mi2 here



Sent from my Xiaomi M2
You can also find the native (stock) ROM latest for mi1s and mi2 here



Sent from my Xiaomi M2

Thanks hadron,

What is the difference between this two Roms???

MD5: b986cf8f25201a11bd928df923bbe1a2
I used the MIUI 2.12.14 from http://miuiandroid.com/community/threads/2-12-14.19006/
and the JB stock from http://bigota.d.miui.com/QCR89/miui_NativeMI2_QCR89_91ad6611a1_4.1.zip

So these won't work together? Which one should i use then?
No you can not mix stock JB with miui JB.
What you can do is run 2 version of miui JB or 2 different versions of stock JB maybe not sure if the last will work since i never tried it. You will not be able to mix stock and miui ever since they are so different, yes both are built on and use JB but there is where it ends. Its like 2 cars from the same company if you have the same model you can switch parts in between but if they are different models but from the same company it wont work :)
Thanks hadron,

What is the difference between this two Roms???

MD5: b986cf8f25201a11bd928df923bbe1a2
The smaller size is the normal zip file to use through recovery or built in updater. Bigger one is the exe file, you install this using miflash tool from the computer. It formats every thing. Usually we use this as a last solution. Because your card data is also formatted.


Sent from my Xiaomi M2
Because your card data is also formatted.
Not all time!!!

U have to choose with wich fast boot script (*.bat files) you want to flash! In each ROM there 3pcs of them:
1) flash all wipe - delete every thing in phone!!!!! (don't use it!!!)
2) flash_all_except_storage
3) flash_all_except_data_storage

So! You have to choose how you want to flash ROM via MiFlash!!! It's easy!!! :p

My screenshot, when i was flashing QCR89 (stock JB 4.1.1)