English ROM and Pack updates tomorrow


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Staff member
6 Nov 2010
Will be updating the english full rom and packs tomorrow evening.


t0ph0id said:
What are the updates to include?

- Typo fix in one of the strings 'Dialler' now 'Dialer'
- Screenlock layout font size fix (Thanks to sampson for that!)
- Zipaligned

I'll be sorting things out later on, resting at the minute.
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i just posted this in XDA, but just in case:


thats the MIUI stock value for the heapsize, you guys set it to 24mb with the english pack.

I discovered that the stock launcher has NO issues with 36mb value (i set that instead of 32 cause i could not remember it right, will now test with 32).

With the 24mb value, the launcher FCs a lot, stops being able to "move/rearange" items, etc