Flashing Eu Rom - Errors - Help


12 Dec 2016
Yesterday I decided to start the process of installing the EU Rom. My RN3Pro was with the bootloader locked. I did as I found in a tutorial. I ran a global developer rom, I used the xiaomi unlock program (my phone is authorized by Xiaomi to unlock) and the process went well and in the "developer" menu appears as "Mi unlock status" - "unlocked". Next I used the method of flashing the TWRP (TWRP3.0_RN3_SD_feds64) indicated in a tutorial. Successfully. I was able to access the TWRP. From there I flashed the SU (RC-SuperSUv2.70-20160314191951) (apparently successfully) and then the Rom (miui_HMNote3ProGlobal_V8.1.1.0MHOMIDI_8e5f6f8e03_6.0). Upon rebooting, it was hung on the MI logo for hours. With Miflash I flashed the initial developer rom and repeated the process but without success, the phone always hang on Mi logo. The TWRP disappeared, just like the SuperSU. I'm currently with rom developer not knowing how to do it. It's difficult when there are so many tutorials with different ways of doing things, which makes the process confusing, to the point that there is a tutorial that says to flash SuperSU through rom with Flashify, which is not possible because flashify only works with root.

Someone with a reliable method to solve this?

Thank you
And what version of TWRP you advise?

The TWRP when starts the firs screen shows me to insert a password...what password?
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