Format for stable rom higher or lower Android ver RN 10 Pro


12 Jul 2024
RN 10 Pro Sweet
Magisk 27.0 (2700)
twrp 3.7.1_12.0
Miui 14 downgrade to Miui 12.5.8 Global

Edit my original post I don't want to clutter the forum.

Installing with TWRP:
(TWRP must be installed with Fastboot mode)

Platform tools with phone in fastboot mode TWRP 3.7.1_12.0 is this ok?

If you are going from MIUI 12 (or later) Weekly ROM to MIUI 12 Stable ROM, you are doing a downgrade, so format data is mandatory!
(The same for Miui 13 and 14)

My phone is on 12.5.8 are your stable roms, example install Miui 14 - 12 or 12 - 14 are these all format data only? would it be better to reset phone before trying anything?

Sorry for dumb questions I am trying to avoid damaging the phone. Last time I looked at something like this was with Android 4.4.2

Thank you

Looking at
Thank you
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