From Custom Rom to Stock Rom on Redmi note 9 pro


16 Oct 2020
Hello everyone,
i am new to xiaomi world, i have recently bought a redmi note 9 pro Global (miui global 11.0.6 stable (QJZEUXM)).
I am thinking of switching to the custom rom as the global version contains the apps: phone calendar, messages and emails from google and not from miui.

I'm reading a lot of information on the various steps to take:
- unlocking the bootloader with MiUnlock
- flash of the custom recovey TWRP
- custom ROM flash.
I'm not a super expert but so far I think I can get by

My question is:
"If one day I want to go back to the original ROM and re-lock the bootloader by deleting twrp what should I do?
how do i get the recovery.img file to flash with twrp? "

I am worried about this step because I have read that there is a risk of bricking my phone. i saw that you can relock the bootloader but first i need to delete the custom rom and twrp.

Any advice on how to do for my redmi note 9 pro?

I hope you can help me
in the meantime thanks to all
Hello everyone,
i am new to xiaomi world, i have recently bought a redmi note 9 pro Global (miui global 11.0.6 stable (QJZEUXM)).
I am thinking of switching to the custom rom as the global version contains the apps: phone calendar, messages and emails from google and not from miui.

I'm reading a lot of information on the various steps to take:
- unlocking the bootloader with MiUnlock
- flash of the custom recovey TWRP
- custom ROM flash.
I'm not a super expert but so far I think I can get by

My question is:
"If one day I want to go back to the original ROM and re-lock the bootloader by deleting twrp what should I do?
how do i get the recovery.img file to flash with twrp? "

I am worried about this step because I have read that there is a risk of bricking my phone. i saw that you can relock the bootloader but first i need to delete the custom rom and twrp.

Any advice on how to do for my redmi note 9 pro?

I hope you can help me
in the meantime thanks to all
that's easy.
you have a Xiaomi tool -MIFLASH- that allow to install OFFICIAL rom and relock or not the bootloader. (rom is called fastboot rom)
Phone will be reset to original state.
thank you so much
so i don't have to flash any recovery.img file from twrp?

with the custom rom installed it is enough just to flash the fastoboot Rom (joyeuse_eea_global_images_V11.0.4.0.QJZEUXM_20200715.0000.00_10.0_eea_dcfb9c0b60.tgz) through MIFLASH?

Do I find a guide here somewhere?
what is the different between Fastboot Rom and Recovery rom?
Every partitions are included in "Fastboot" ROM, so the Recovery partition will be replaced by the original one. ;)


- Fastboot ROM => Used for unbricking your device.
- Recovery ROM => Used for updating your device.


I'm reading a lot of information on the various steps to take:
- unlocking the bootloader with MiUnlock -> All your data including internal storage (photos etc.) will be deleted. So make a backup before, i. e. copy your important items on a computer or an USB stick or something like that.
- flash of the custom recovey TWRP
- FORMAT DATA and don't reboot to system -> All your data including internal storage (photos etc.) will be deleted again. You need to install eu ROM from an OTG stick or copy it back to internal storage.
- custom ROM flash.
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I found this guide, but here it's not about flashing the twrp custom recovery:

How to install ROM for Redmi Note 9 Pro EU

We will release fastboot ROM versions until TWRP for joyeuse is released

Steps to install ROM for first time from Global ROM (All your data and files on internal storage will be deleted!)
- Unlock your bootloader by Mi Unlock tool
- Download our ROM zip file
- Unpack downloaded zip file in the PC
- Reboot your device to fastboot mode (press volume down + power)
- Connect to PC via USB cable
- Run fastboot installation script from unpacked zip according your PC operating system

For Windows OS ./windows_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.bat
For Linux ./
For MacOS ./

- After reboot its done (first boot may take up to 10min)

Steps to install update of ROM (All your data and files on internal storage will NOT be deleted!)
- Download our ROM zip file STABLE
- Unpack downloaded zip file in the PC
- Reboot your device to fastboot mode (press volume down + power)
- Connect to PC via USB cable
- Run fastboot installation script from unpacked zip according your PC operating system

For Windows OS ./windows_fastboot_update_rom.bat
For Linux ./
For MacOS ./

- After reboot its done (first boot may take up to 5min)

Update via OTA:
Installation via OTA is currently not possible due to missing TWRP
Updater will notify you about new version and download it to your device for you
You have to copy it to your PC, unpack it and run fastboot_update_rom sctipt

PS: sorry but i am collecting information and after a while i am more confused than when i started.
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I live in Italy and I have a redmi note 9 pro Global (miui global 11.0.6 stable (QJZEUXM)).
but I don't like having google apps instead of MIUI stock apps.

instead of switching to a custom rom ( I can flash:
- the Indonesian version (V11.0.3.0.QJZIDXM = Redmi Note 9 Pro - Indonesia Stable ROM)
or to that
- Indian (V11.0.2.0.QJXINXM = Redmi Note 9 Pro Max - India Stable ROM)

so as to have the MIUI phone messages and calendar apps instead of google and without losing the ability to make OTA updates.

after unlocking the bootloader I was thinking of flashing the fastboot rom of one of the two versions above with MIFLASH

could it work or I lose some functionality?

what do you recommend to have most of the original MIUI apps (like a China version)?
