New Gallery and File manger bug

Harry kam

31 Mar 2022
I am facing a weird bug that after deleting a file from sd card using native file manager, the file appears again after reboot but if we delete using third party file manager there this bug isn't present ...

And about gallery is that it isn't detecting images / videos as after reboot my gallery is clean than after 10 15 mints it starts scanning and there also images comes like 10 images found and then took alot of time to detect the folders but there also it isn't detecting some images.. i downloaded third party gallery (quickpic) there everything is snappy all the images and folders appear.

All permissions are given to both gallery and filemanager

Device :- Mi 11 Lite ne 5g (lisa) , xiaomi eu 13.0.1
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Another bug :-
Screenshots section in gallery is either missing or is blank when we open but it shows that there are files in it. Which are visible from all images but when we open screenshot folder its blank.

And gallery goes blank after reboot and files appears 1 by 1 after few minutes... and there is problem with sd card images. Images from sd card takes a lot of time to appear in gallery sometimes they appear in all images but their folder is not visible in gallery section.. not an issue with any third party gallery.


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