Help Keep MIUI Alive!


Site Founder
Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
Hey everyone,

I read in the forums that JohnnyBeGood started asking everyone to help pitch in to get Mark a Nexus S. I know Mark doesnt like the idea but it honestly thats too bad. :D I think everyone knows at this point, that without Mark MIUI wouldnt have come near as far as it has today. He has been translating and doing his modifications since Sept 30th of last year. That is almost 6 months he has dedicated every friday to making sure the Language Pack is properly put out for porters to create their ROMs from. He even takes his laptop to work to make sure that the community gets the pack as fast as humanly possible. That being said i know many of you have donated in the past, and we are very thankful for that, most if not all of that money has gone to creating, maintaining, and expanding the site into what we have today. With the newest news I'm sure you have all seen this weeks release will be MIUI 2.3 for the Nexus S. This really upset Mark as he has poured his heart into this just to see his device (Nexus One) get put on the back burner. This alone with some past drama has really pushed Mark away.

With all this being said I propose like JonnyBeGood did to start a donation box to help fund Marks new Nexus S, and keep MIUI alive. I have talked to Mark as against his better judgement has agreed to continue if I can raise enough money to get him the Nexus S. The goal is set at 600USD (to account for paypal fees + conversion rate to GBP) as Mark has to buy the phone Contract Free.

Now i know Mark doesnt feel right about this, and he thinks this is wrong, but honestly he has given so much to this community its time to give back to Mark.

So lets get this done and keep MIUI alive!
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