How Do You Install Google Service Framework? It's Not On Xiaomi Store.


Oct 10, 2013
I've searched for how to install Google Play on my Xiaomi 4 and it says search for 'google' on Xiaomi store. However, the only search result is Google Input Method for writing Chinese. The Google Service Framework by Eric Xiang is not there. Searching for 谷歌应用下载器 returns no results.

I installed the Google Play APK on my phone but it crashes to desktop as soon as it's launched.

I found the answer. Before I even finished writing my post. From this post an user

zawhtut says:

23.6.2015, Latest play store services collection zip

Size: about 310MB

Firstly, download this zip file and extract it. After the zip extracted, you will see google play services collection fro MIUI V6 folder. First,Google account manager.apk , google service frame.apk ,google play services and google play install to your phone step by step. Other, Apps are as you like. Now, your phone can access the google play services. If you facing with google services error, you must uninstall all of the google applications. And install it again from the start

Download Google services .zip here.
I've searched for how to install Google Play on my Xiaomi 4 and it says search for 'google' on Xiaomi store. However, the only search result is Google Input Method for writing Chinese. The Google Service Framework by Eric Xiang is not there. Searching for 谷歌应用下载器 returns no results.

I installed the Google Play APK on my phone but it crashes to desktop as soon as it's launched.

I found the answer. Before I even finished writing my post. From this post an user

Download Google services .zip here.
You can get them from google gapps pack. Google Framework, Google Play services, Google Account Manager, Google Play Store. But use eu.xiaomi's rom. It's better than Chinese rom.

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