How does the xiaomi eu team decide what features to put in their ROM?


8 Mar 2023
As the title says, I would be interested to know if there's a criteria for choosing features to put in their ROM and which not. For example, why are there no custom widgets from the theme store? Is it the pay wall? Is it because of language or compatibility issues? Another question goes for fearures that are present but seemingly unusable (at least in my experience) such as Miui+ beta? Why is it included?
As the title says, I would be interested to know if there's a criteria for choosing features to put in their ROM and which not.
We simply decide if it's worth the effort. Adding a feature means maintaining its compatibility with both older and newer releases.

For example, why are there no custom widgets from the theme store? Is it the pay wall? Is it because of language or compatibility issues?
Yes, both. We are not going to include paid widgets for free. We are not interested in being shut down by Xiaomi.

Another question goes for fearures that are present but seemingly unusable (at least in my experience) such as Miui+ beta? Why is it included?
MIUI+ Beta is usable with certain older tools. The feature is there by default, and we simply keep it there.
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