How to install ROM for Redmi K40 / Poco F3

system ?
You have to connect in fasboot mode, not in the system.

Or do you mean PC system? cmd not responding? Did you click on any button on the PC? Do you use USB 2.0 or USB 3.0?


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system ?
You have to connect in fasboot mode, not in the system.

Or do you mean PC system? cmd not responding? Did you click on any button on the PC?

I click on any button on the PC but on my Poco F3 ( connected in fastboot mode ) it doesn't start.
I have just update new weekly. Previous i had installed twrp nebrassy on ramdisk partition and now i have normally reboot in recovery after downloaded update and clic on reboot in recovery after i have installed new update rom and reboot system.

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If we unlock the bootloader and then flash the rom, do we really have to format data after the flash since it was formatted due to unlock procedure?
Forgive my stupid questions. I am new to the topic.

1. Obviously TWRP seems to be installed permanently after doing this. But it is not mentioned in post#1. So is it true and if yes why?

2. If yes does it mean the phone is rooted?

3. I need to install magisk. Does it interfere with TWRP? Do I still need to patch boot.img?

1. After installing the ROM, TWRP is permanent. (No reason to inform, it goes without saying)

2. No, the phone is not rooted

3. You don't need Magisk. You don't have to do anything.
@Minotauros Hello!

1. TWRP is included in all recent ROMs (for this device). If your question was "why is it included", the answer is => For easily install ROM updates. ;)

2. TWRP is only a custom Recovery, it doesn't mean your phone is rooted. "rooted" = You can use "root" privileges in System ("System" = MIUI in your case). :)

3. With a custom Recovery, it's easier to install Magisk =>
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3. With a custom Recovery, it's easier to install Magisk
Thank you, that answers all my questions.

I was using TWRP in ancient times, also to root my phones, but since Magisk came out I never used it again.
Usually it's no problem to install Magisk the normal way, by patching the boot.img via the app. But I guess it doesn't hurt to have TWRP on board.
Hey, I'm on weekly, how exactly do I update? Is it the normal download zip file and flash via TWRP or something else?

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4 - Insert the downloaded ROM into the phone's storage

First off, thanks for these instructions. Been looking everywhere to find an up-to-date how-to for newbies.
I'm confused about this one step though. Is this just through Windows explorer with the phone connected with usb, just put it on there? And when I say "it", is that the complete zip file I downloaded or just the boot.img file inside the zip?