HyperOS Rom update problem


31 Aug 2022
I have updated the ROM to a Xiaomi 14 Pro (SHENNONG) with the HyperOS 1.0 23.11.17/19 release and when it is finished it remains permanently in FASTBOOT, with no way to get it out of that state. I have also updated to the HyperOS 1.0 23.11.8/13/16 release, but the same thing happens. Any solution? Thanks in advance
Problem solved. I have burned the Chinese ROM again and after this I have updated the ROM to the HyperOS 1.0 11.23.17/19 release. Everything perfect and working
I tried to update via OTA, but when it reached 80%, I had to leave the house for a moment where I was updating through Wi-Fi. I pressed pause, and when I returned and connected back to the Wi-Fi, it didn't continue or give me the option to update. It only says: No updates available.