I can't install the XIAOMI EU ROM


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I had the same thing with updater crashing. But after you manage to successfully install v10 EU, you can flash a newer EU (make sure to use the correct TWRP version that works with v10). Here's the full sequence that worked for me:
  1. Flash this China ROM: sirius_images_V11.0.3.0.PEBCNXM_20190926.0000.00_9.0_cn_bc09b23ef4
  2. Flash TWRP 3.2.3-1227
  3. Boot into recovery, format /data
  4. Reboot into recovery
  5. Copy EU ROM xiaomi.eu_multi_MI8SE_V10.0.1.0.OEBCNFH_v10-8.1 to internal storage
  6. Install EU ROM
  7. Wipe Dalvik / cache
  8. Reboot into the system, configure everything
  9. Flash TWRP 3.2.3-1217
  10. Boot into recovery
  11. Copy the fresh EU ROM to internal storage
  12. Install the fresh EU ROM
  13. Reboot into the system
  14. (optional) flash a fresh TWRP

By the way, if everything works out in the end, but you end up with broken sensors, here's a good guide on how to fix it:
This solution ↑ still works today(2022/2/14) but I would like to describe in more detail for those who first flash mi 8 se EU rom
For POINT 1 Above:sirius_images_V11.0.3.0.PEBCNXM_20190926.0000.00_9.0_cn_bc09b23ef4 can be downoad here : https://mifirm.net/model/sirius.ttt#cn
For POINT 2 Above:TWRP 3.2.3-1227 can be download here: https://mifirm.net/model/sirius.ttt#twrp
For POINT 3 Above: type " fastboot boot twrp.img" through adb command (Change twrp.img to your own twrp filename ,here the TWRP version is 3.2.3-1227) . After booting twrp ,click “swipe” and just do format /data,Do not swipe to factory Reset or advanced wipe.
For POINT 8 Above:after configure everything,Double check that developer mode and USB debugging are turned on
For POINT 9 Above:TWRP 3.2.3-1217 can be download here: https://mifirm.net/model/sirius.ttt#twrp (notice POINT 9 and POINT2 are using different version of twrp )
For POINT 10 Above:after flash TWRP 3.2.3-1217,your phone should still be in fastboot this point. you need to type " fastboot boot twrp.img" through adb command (Change twrp.img to your own twrp filename, here the TWRP version is 3.2.3-1217) , and then you can boot into recovery.
For POINT 10-12 Above:never do those !!! :【 format /data or swipe to factory Reset or advanced wipe.】
❗ After reboot into the system. check your phone sensors first . That's because I found all my sensors not work after completing the above steps, including Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer...
The easiest way to check is to see if the Compass app on your phone is working . if not working. Then you are in the same situation as me
1 . You should goto the following website to download Chinese rom : https://www.miui.com/shuaji-393.html use "ctrl+F" in your browser search "小米手机8SE" click to download the rom (Please check if the ROM file suffix is '.tgz'. If it is '.gz', please rename it to '.tgz'). The reason is that there is no global version of rom for mi8 se, and we just need the "persist.img" file in the rom ,So the Chinese rom is okay too.
2 . Then decompress Chinese rom , you will see a "images" folder,copy the "persist.img" file in "images" folder . paste it into your phone internal storage
3 . Double check that developer mode and USB debugging are turned on.
4 . Flash TWRP 3.3.0-0423, you can download from https://mifirm.net/model/sirius.ttt#twrp
5 . type " fastboot boot twrp.img" through adb command (Change twrp.img to your own twrp filename,here the TWRP version is 3.3.0-0423) , and then you can boot into recovery.
6 . never do those !!! :【 format /data or swipe to factory Reset or advanced delete.】 ,just click install and Then click on the bottom right "install image" flash into the image , Find the location where you stored "persist.img" before, select "Persist" partition and swipe in, then reboot the system. You will find that all the sensors are restored

Enjoy! (整整花了我两天时间刷欧版的rom 累死)

Follow these instruction in 24/6/2023, finally my phone works as expected, after one week works as an expensive brick

thanks for your value contributions for Mi8SE community,

I think the main problem is when we are using the XiaoMitoolV2 which is an awesome tool, to unbrick our phone,
it unintentionally upgrade to the latest china rom (12.5.1) and that make conflict with the EU rom we flash later.
That's why we have to follow these instruction above to degrade the system as before:

Enough s**t talking, here is something else:

One huge problem with your old phone and old instruction in today is sometime the file is missing or hard to download or slow download ( some files took me the whole day without success )

So I decided to upload all the files related to this rescue campaign to mediafire, hope will help some one behind me,

I also upload the persist.img from the latest china rom : sirius_images_V12.5.1.0.QEBCNXM_20210625.0000.00_10.0_cn_0969fb8c9f

I also attach several latest rom (xiaomi.eu_multi_MI8SE_V12.5.1.0.QEBCNXM_v12-10.zip) , recovery (twrp-3.7.0_9-0-xmsirius.img - OrangeFox-Unofficial-xmsirius.img), root (magisk)

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