Invalid I know that you're not responsible for designing miui, but could you please fix this translation issue? (The blue tile should also say restrict)


Tsim Pouki

No, it should not. You just misunderstood it.
It says "Allow" and it's checked and highlighted, once you tap it, it means you want to uncheck it, in other words Restrict it.
Now i get it, thank you
I still think that restrict would make more sense, but at least Xiaomi didn't mistranslated it
Restrict would only make sense if "Allow" would not have been checked...
I get what you mean, i mean that in my view, it would be more reasonable for it to be restrict and not to display it as a selected toggle (something like "tab to restrict the notifications' instead of 'notifications are allowed")
Anyways, this is 100% up to Xiaomi