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Site Founder
Staff member
6 Nov 2010
Hi everyone,

To avoid issues i am going to break down known issues into this thread. This will hopefully stop repeated posts of the same issues.

Known issues in 2.3.30 [ICS]

  1. 2G/3G data toggle when switched off is sometimes switching itself back on
  2. Downloading from Google Play store on SGS2 for some apps will not install (try unmount of internal storage and also clear Market data)
  3. About phone on SGS2 FC when selected via Settings
  4. Number attribution issues with Phone contacts and Messaging, contact with +0957 and 057 does not show same contact name
  5. GNEX Launcher lag issues
  6. SGS2 SystemUI FC randomly for some users
  7. SGS2 unable to move apps in some cases
  8. SMS Contacts in some circumstances do not show the contact name even when the contact is listed under Contacts manager and in the call log.
SGS I9100 Issues :

- when using pattern or PIN security on the lockscreen, it is impossible to change wallpaper
- SMS app: Favorites\Phrases - not translated
- MIUI updater: OTA does't work for me (it will download and reboot to recovery, but it won't flash, I can't see error message because reboot goes too fast).
- Themes are partially translated
- browser: when entering string in the address bar and hit "Go", it will search for it on (Chinese language)
- google Chrome hangs & FC too much.
- reject call with SMS doesn't work (it will reject call, but it won't send SMS).
- call log: missed call always say "Ring 1 times" no matter for how long phone rang.
- default theme won't change alarm snooze wallpaper
- old UI (Samsung default): camera
- old UI (Samsung default): incoming / outgoing call window
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