In Progress "loading" when closing apps


29 Mar 2012
Phone: xiaomi mi-one m1
OS: Miui 2.8.3
bug: "loading" when closing apps it just shows the loading screen all the time. Its been like this for a couple of the last weekly updates maybe for 2-3 weeks.

But its very bad now for the last week and this week update it shows all the time whenever i close any app og messages, phone book etc.

added a picture showing the message.

have you try to clear miui.home data?or a cache wipe (make backup first) ?
Same issue did a cache wipe and a complete wipe of everything on the phone no difference :(
Download miui launcher on a phone that already have miui running ? :) im not gonna do that in that case i would just do a re-flash its faster.
haha it's a little bit stupid...but maybe!

a clean install can solve the broblem i think!
Did a clean install and the problem was gone until i used the backup so it might be that i have to many sms on the phone and that causes the problem since i dont have that many phonebook contacts.
Haha what did you mean with "too many sms"?...i have on my phone 1000 sms but no problems!maybe too many folders?

Inviato dal mio GT-I9100
i mean i dont have 1000 sms :p Just checked i got 7591 sms and it increases :) I have over 2500 sms just from 1 contact so that might be the reason :oops:
Blah cant understand why that would make very time i close something it will need to show loaded screen :mad: :p :(

Update: i removed all extra/downloaded apps no difference loading screen is still there.
So not sure if its sms or phone log that causes this.

Update 2: did some searches so it seems that it might not support that many. Do anybody tried go sms pro and now if that support large sms databases? :) And can you disable/remove sms from miui ?
I only have about 100 contacts and around 200 sms messages and the same problem. So I'm patiently waiting for a resolution to this annoying issue too.
This was there before, but without this message.
It happens when MIUI Launcher is kicked out of memory and have to load again.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for letting us know that it was there before.What would be more helpful, are you aware of a fix.
Thanks for letting us know that it was there before.What would be more helpful, are you aware of a fix.

Don't think there is one, because it happens on other launchers to.
So only more ram will fix this or fast launcher.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
So what you probably need is a sms reader that only buffers the last sms and when you want older its start going back like the iphone of course this sucks since its takes a long time to find a sms if its old :D
Deleted all sms messages and problem still persists. Not to worry it's only a mild irritation and should hopefully be resolved with future firmware updates. Issue only started on my Mi-One with recent firmware upgrades.
The launcher is "re-springing". I would disable the "high-def" setting for the launcher and don't keep it in memory. It seems to be lacking the memory needed to run so its constantly restarting.
7500 isnt a lot if you have a GF that likes sending text messages or just have a lot of friends that text instead of calling :p Texting is cheap and calling cost more for them so :D

just disabled keep in memory but didnt do any difference.
Cant find "high def" and i it got 450 mb of ram that is used the rest is free.
yeah most of the people i now have like 500-1000 free sms a month and those who don't have that don't care :D