Lockscreen Issue on 5.20 build for EVO


20 May 2011
Hello; a newb to the MIUI club!

just flashed the MIUI rom about two weeks ago; and i dont want to go back to any other ROM really a bang up job by the DEV but an issue that i noticed was that the slide down bar on my lockscreen sometimes disappears so when i go to unlock my phone the lock pattern INSTANTLY pops up rather then me pulling down the slide bar to reveal the lock pattern screen; any suggestions on how i can solve this issue ? Some feedback would be nice ^_^ thank you
Hello; a newb to the MIUI club!

just flashed the MIUI rom about two weeks ago; and i dont want to go back to any other ROM really a bang up job by the DEV but an issue that i noticed was that the slide down bar on my lockscreen sometimes disappears so when i go to unlock my phone the lock pattern INSTANTLY pops up rather then me pulling down the slide bar to reveal the lock pattern screen; any suggestions on how i can solve this issue ? Some feedback would be nice ^_^ thank you
I keep trying to replicate. Sadly I can't. Please make sure between updates you wipe your cache and dalvik-cache then the rom.

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Same issue here with a HTC Desire since miui 1.5.13, and now on miui 1.5.20.
I have the phone locked with a pin number, and every time I turn the screen on the number keyboard appears to enter the number... the big problem is that I need to unlock the phone to see the clock...

Not really sure, but I think the cache wipe and dalvik-cache wipe is not the origin of this problem, because I did it before installing every miui rom.
I have the same problem on my Nexus One. I found that a quick fix to show the time would be to disable your lock. The slidedown bar with the time and call and text notifications shows up again. But that makes your phone more vulnerable to be broken into :/
Happen to me on 1.5.13 :/ its fixed for me on 20 so far but these post r scarying me :(

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Does anyone know if I can set up a password to unlock my phone? I tried to in settings/personal/security but no luck

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Omg that's a problem for u guys? I think it's so convenient and I've been trying to get rid of the slide screen since! It would be an option!! Lemme know if anyone knows how to get the bug!

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